Statement From Congressman LaMalfa Regarding the Electoral College

Date: Feb. 11, 2021
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Doug LaMalfa (R-Richvale) issued the following statement:

"Millions of Americans and tens of thousands of my constituents have serious questions and concerns about the November election. There has been an endless dripping of reports of mishandled ballots, numbers not adding up and outright violations of the U.S. Constitution's clear direction for setting election rules. These questions must be answered and no amount of media spin or declarations of "nothing to see here, move along" will change the concerns that many of us share.

"The court system should have reviewed these problems. Before the election, the court punted saying no one was "injured" yet. After the election, it became a political issue and courts sidestepped the question using "standing', "procedure', and some sloppy lawyer work by the Trump legal team. Because the courts at all levels have sidestepped their duty to the Republic, there is no other alternative than to use the power of Congress to investigate and hopefully get to the truth. I wish the courts had followed their constitutional obligation to be the neutral fact finder, but they failed.

"History from the election of 1817, 1809, 1813, 1865, 1873, Nixon in 1969 to Democrats challenges in 2001, 2005 and 2017 have set a historical precedent that Congress may challenge the state electors and may hold up the count until questions are satisfied. I will be joining with Senator Ted Cruz and many other members of Congress to challenge the electoral college certification until a Congressional investigation is complete.

"I did not come to this decision lightly, and weighed carefully the constitutional issues, potential damage to the electoral college system, and further division of our country. Most important, the American people deserve the truth, no matter how inconvenient or ugly. The danger to our Republic I see most pressing is a divide among Americans where we no longer trust each other, our institutions, or that we are given the truth in the media. Right or wrong, millions of Americans need to be assured that the outcome of this election wasn't taken through fraud or incompetence."
